Friday, May 25, 2012

Well, she did it! Alyssa Hope graduated from our high school last Friday night. I am so happy for both of us. She was a great student for me all of these many years. I could not ask for a sweeter thing than she is. She is done and on to bigger and better things. She is currently applying for many, many jobs. She only needs one, but it's tough out there. Both of my girls are in need of jobs, so if you hear of anything, please let us know. Thanks! Anyway, she is enrolled in Folsom Lake College system. She will now have to go up there and take placements tests and sign up for classes. I think she will do very well, but she will have to work hard at it. Nothing worth while is easy. It was not easy for me, and it will not be easy for her. You have to keep yourself focused on your goals and not let anything stop you from achieving them. Easier said than done I know. Well, I just wanted to jot this down before I forgot the significance. We have successfully graduated our second child and they are OFF! Thank you God for your mercy, patience, and most of all, grace. We could not live without it or you. Giving you all the glory and praise, Lisa

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Like my new background??? Thanks Alyssa

I am so green at this stuff! By that I mean, I am so much still a rookie. I have been wondering how other bloggers on blogspot have such cool backgrounds and layouts. I've tried editing mine many times. ARGH. Finally, Alyssa just walked in and inquired as to what I was doing. Maybe her first clue was the perplexed, frustrated look on my face. I told her, embarrassed. She said, "are you serious?' I answered affirmatively, yet sheepishly. I need help. I want a cute background like my friend Mary. She just started a very personal blog this past week. She had this neat heart background that I thought was great for February. I still on my own could not seem to figure it out. Thank heaven for bright, intelligent, beautiful 17 year old computer savvy daughters!! (Did I mention she's a great photographer too?) Anyway, with 2 or 3 clicks of the mouse, I know have 4 beautiful ducks smiling at me. Well, at least I think they are smiling at me. :) They are cheery. They make me happy. Lord knows I need some happiness tonight. More on that maybe some other day. I'm happy I don't have to work tomorrow. I can catch up on sleep and laundry. :) As I close, I want to congratulate my dear friend Tricia and her family. She got word today that she can finally, officially go back to Ethiopia and pick up her beautiful blessings. She and her husband have adopted a young boy and girl from an orphanage. They are coming "home" soon to live with their "forever family". Such a beautiful and awesome things to do. I praise you Lord for so many families taking this step. I pray that others would have courage and follow their hearts. I pray that the process might become easier for American families to adopt from other countries. It is so expensive and time consuming. I know that there needs to be tons of paperwork, fees paid, etc...but come on!!! There are thousands and thousands of orphans all over God's Earth that need a family. Well, off my soapbox and off to bed. Alyssa said this is the longest blog post she's ever seen. I told her that she needs to get out more often!!! If I had a free day, I would do nothing but sit in front of this Apple imac and read womens' blogs. They are so full of recipes, neat ideas, crafts, life, pain, joy, tips. There are so many wonderful blogs out there and warm, intelligent, talented, people behind them. Oh well, another Friday night. I'm pooped. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed weekend. I plan on doing the same. Until then, L

Monday, January 10, 2011

Good night, it's getting late!

Well, here I am again. I was just telling a dear friend tonight that I never have time to blog. After talking to her about our blogs, I came to the conclusion that I haven't MADE time to blog. I sometimes ask why I should even do it. Does anyone really want to read my ramblings??? Sadly, the answer is probably not. She inspired me anyway! Hello friend. It's after 11 and I am still up and actually on the computer, not my iphone. Shocking right? Anyway, I accept your challenge to try and blog at least once a month. I might even surprise you with blogging more often. I am just still wondering who reads these blogs anyway? Oh well, I will type away, at least for now.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

I was just telling an old friend of mine that I never find time to add a post. So here goes. Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2011 to all of us. Hi Michelle, my dear, old friend. Love ya

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Check out my friend Tricia's adoption blog

Please go and check out my dear friend and her family's adoption blog. The site is at They have made beautiful thirst which they are selling to help raise funds for their Ethiopian adoption. Please go check her blog out and support the Dixons. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer is here!

Well, I missed welcoming summer yesterday, so I will do it today. Welcome summer, now go away. Ok, maybe I don't want it to go away entirely but there are some aspects that I sure would love to do with out. Like....oh the heat maybe? If we had a built in pool I might reconsider, but until that pipe dream happens, the Sacto heat and I will remain enemies. Summer does have a few redeeming qualities. The biggest for our household is a much needed break from our school routine. School will continue off and on throughout, but the daily schedule is relaxed until the middle of August. It's lazy days around here, and i was so ready for that. Time to get closets organized, shelves straightened, under the beds cleared, toys organized, clothing donated etc. I am also enjoying my nights when I get to do nothing except lay on my couch watching a Giants game. There is no greater luxury for me on a hot summer night,
So welcome summer. Hope you can keep the thermostat controlled and that you don't go away too quickly. We are glad you see finally here!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial day 2010

Where does time go? I'm asking myself that question more often as I get older. It literally seems only a few short months ago we were celebrating Memorial day at Jim and Becky's new house. Now I'm getting salads ready to go to their house again to swim, BBQ, etc. It's Memorial day 2010. School is not yet out around here but the natives are restless none the less. I think that their teacher is probably the most ready but they might want to debate me on that.
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank and give honor to all the men and women who are now or have ever served this country. You are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice on our and our country's behalf, and for that we thank you. We thank your families who you leave behind here. Families who pray for you and wait for your safe return. We thank them too. We could not enjoy the freedom we have in this country without your service and dedication. So we thank you today and we are grateful to you everyday. May God continue to bless and protect you. May you receive the reception you have earned when you return home. May it be soon.
Happy Memorial day !